Past Version
Version 1.2.2
1. Improve Breeding feature:
Increase maximum cage's upgrade to Level 5.
Add 2 new animals: Pig, Goose in NPC Chris store.
2. New NPC:
Add NPC CPO: Build Poultry's Cage (NPC will appear everyday from 9:00 to 15:00)
3. Quality of life improvement:
Item information will also display in Backpack.
4. Fix some bugs
Version 1.2.0
1. Release New feature "Breeding":
2 types of Cage will available for Farmer to Build: "Cattle's Cage" and "Poultry's Cage" used in raising Animals. Cage can upgrade max to Level 3 (Higher Level will be added in the future update)
2 Animals available to raise: Cow and Chicken (More animals will be added in the future update).
Now Farmers can buy Animals and Build Cage from NPC Chris.
2. Rebalance selling price of Apple:
In this update, we will change selling price of Apple from 22 ME -> 16 ME.
3. New Food arrived !!
New Food will be introduced in this update is Phở. Farmer can buy from NPC Chris.
4. Update new "Daily Quest" system:
New Daily Quest format: Now each player with different Level will receive a different Quest board difficulty. The higher the Level Harder the Quest, however, the Reward for these Quests will also increase.
Add 2 new Difficulty: Very Hard and Super Hard. These 2 new quests will be a real challenge for Farmer and the Reward after completion will definitely worth it.
Version 1.1.3
1) Add new map: Forest
Add new Area.
New Tribes along with their unique Architecture to explore.
Add new Carpenter NPC John.
Add new Farmer NPC Chris.
Wild item will randomly spawn in the Forest, let's start the scavenger hunt !!!
All Resources on the map Forest will reset at 00:00:00 UTC +7 everyday.
2) Add new NPC Lily Shop:
Add 2 new Vegetable seeds: Ginger Seed, Rice Seed.
Add 2 new Flower seeds: White Rose Seed, Daisy Seed.
Add 3 new Fruit seeds: Apple Seed, Lemon Seed, Watermelon Seed.
Add 1 new Food: Omelet.
3) Add new NPC John (Carpenter) material for sale and get ready for Building feature in future update:
Wood: 1 Wood = 5 ME (Maximum 200 Woods per day).
Stone: 1 Stone = 3 ME (Maximum 200 Stones per day).
4) Add new NPC Chris (Farm owner). In our future update, he will sell animals for feature Breed. (Currently Breed feature is not avaiable. If you Talk to NPC Chris there will be a notice: """"We're working on our new feature Breed, please looking forward to our update!"""")
5) Add new Camera settings: Free 3D and Zoom In + Out camera. (Third person view, rotate around vertical axis of character, Zoom with scroll mouse).
6) New Ranking:
Hard Rank (Reward pool 2500$): Hard Farmer, Hardcore Season (Only available for Account Level 10 and above, plant and harvest crop Level 5 to 15).
Medium Rank (Reward pool 2000$): Boss of Woodman (chopping wood), Boss of Stone breaker (breaking stone).
Easy Rank (Reward pool 1200$): The God of Water (watering plant) and rerun of old Rank Long Live Farmer (sow any seed).
7) Add Cooldown indicate after use Food item.
8) Add new feature What's New: Anounnce to player Changes in our new updates.
9) Add new Icon when you are loading.
10) Change hotkey mechanic. Now you can use ESC or Press the same Hotkey to open/close UI.
11) Configured mouse sensitivity (Setting included)
12) Upgrade map performance
13) Add FPS option in Graphic quality: Low => 30FPS, Medium => 60FPS, High=> Unlimited
14) Change buy and sell price for some plant in Shop
15) Change time growth, buy and sell price for some plant not for sale in Shop (Obtain seed by Daily Quest)
Last updated