Shop is a place where player can buy and sell items. Each Shop will have one NPC in charged.
- Each day player can only earn 5000 ME from each shop.
- If player buy item from Shop, the ME earned limit will add up by the bought price. When player sell item to get ME, ME earned limit will deducted by the sell price.
- ME earned limit for one Shop will be reset everyday.
If ME earned limit reduce to 0 --> any more item sold will not give player ME.
Eg 1: Shop A have ME earned limit = 5000ME.
Player buy Potato seed for 10ME --> ME earned limit = 5010ME.
Then player sell Potato and earn 13ME --> ME earned limit remaining will calculate by: 5010-13=4997ME.
Eg 2: Shop B have ME earned limit remaining = 5ME.
Then player sell Potato and earn 13ME and exceed ME earned limit of Shop B --> Actual ME amount received will be 5ME.
Eg 3: Shop B have ME earned limit remaining = 0ME.
If player still sell Potato and earn 13ME and exceed ME earned limit of Shop C --> No ME will be given to Player.
General store
General store is where player can buy Seeds and neccessary other Item. Currently there are 2 Shop in different Area:
- NPC Kevin will incharged of General store at The Farm.
- NPC Lily will incharged of General store at The Forest.
Last updated