1. Earn Me
Job will be completed if the Employee meets minimum or more than maximum target. Reward received will depend on the quota the Employee achieved during the Job.
Complete Job equal or larger than 50% of the target when the Job time ends:
A portion of Deposit fee of Owner will be transferred to Employee's Wallet (5% tax), the remaining will refund back to Owner. Amount transfer to Employee will be counted by % progress of Job.
Eg: Deposit = 100 FAME, Job finished at 80%:
-> Employee will receive 80% of Deposit and Owner will receive 20% of Deposit
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Job failed if only <50% of required target is reached when the Job time ends:
Deposit of the Owner will be refunded and will receive an extra amount equal to Deposit penalty from Employee.
Deposit of the Employee will be refunded but will be fined following this formula:
Deposit Penalty = (100% - % Job progress finished) x Deposit fee of Employee
Eg: Job finished at 49%. Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME, Deposit of Employee = 50 FAME. Deposit Penalty will be calculated by formula: (100-49)% x 50 = 25,5
-> Owner receive: 100 + 25,5 = 125,5 FAME.
-> Employee receive: 50 - 25,5 = 24,5 FAME.
Job failed if when it's in Job time but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Deposit of the Owner will not be refunded.
Deposit of the Owner will be sent to Employee according to % Job's progress at the time transferred (5% tax)
The remaining of Deposit will be used to charity.
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Eg: Job is already ongoing and achieved 80% of quota at the time got transferred.
- Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME
-> Amount of Deposit being transferred to Employee will be calculated: 100 x 80% = 80FAME
- 5% tax will be applied when received: 80 x 5% = 76 FAME. The spare FAME amount will be used in charity.
Job will be canceled if Job haven't started but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Fee creating Job won't refund to Owner.
Deposit of Owner and Employee will be refunded (no tax)
2. Ranking
Job will be completed if the employee meets Top Target. As of now, the Benefit Share will fixed at 50/50 for each party.
Complete Job 100% of the target when the Job time ends result in 2 cases:
Not enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Deposit of Employee and Owner will be refunded (no tax)
Enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Ranking reward will be splitted corresponding selected ratio for each Owner and Employee (no tax)
-> Deposit of Employee and Owner will be refunded (no tax)
Job failed if employee has not achieved the Top Target when the Job time ends result in 2 cases:
Not enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Deposit of Owner will be refunded (no tax)
-> Deposit of Employee will be transferred to Owner's Wallet (10% tax)
Enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Deposit and FAME reward Ranking (5% tax) of Owner will be refunded.
-> Deposit of Employee will be refunded (10% tax)
Job will be failed if when it's in Job time but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Deposit of the Owner will not be refunded.
Deposit of the Owner will be sent to Employee according to Rank achieved at the time transferred (5% tax)
Progress of Job will be calculated with the following formula: (Total players in group - Current Rank) / (Total players in group - Top Rank target) x 100
The remaining of Deposit will be used to charity.
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Eg: Job is already ongoing and Top Rank target is Top 50. Employee achieved Top 70 at the time transferred.
- Progress of Job will be calculated by formula: (100-70)/(100-50)x100= 60(%)
- Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME -> Amount of Deposit being transferred to Employee will be calculated: 60% x 100 = 60FAME
- 5% tax will be applied when received: 60 x 5% = 57 FAME. The spare FAME amount will be used in charity.
Job will be canceled if Job haven't started but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Fee creating Job won't refund to Owner.
Deposit of Owner and Employee will be refunded (no tax)
3. Earn Tiket
Job will be completed if the Employee meets minimum or more than maximum target. Reward received will depend on the quota the Employee achieved during the Job.
Complete Job equal or larger than 50% of the target when the Job time ends:
A portion of Deposit fee of Owner will be transferred to Employee's Wallet (5% tax), the remaining will refund back to Owner. Amount transfer to Employee will be counted by % progress of Job.
Eg: Deposit = 100 FAME, Job finished at 80%: -> Employee will receive 80% of Deposit and Owner will receive 20% of Deposit
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Job failed if only <50% of required target is reached when the Job time ends:
Deposit of the Owner will be refunded and will receive an extra amount equal to Deposit penalty from Employee.
Deposit of the Employee will be refunded but will be fined following this formula: Deposit Penalty = (100% - % Job progress finished) x Deposit fee of Employee
Eg: Job finished at 49%. Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME, Deposit of Employee = 50 FAME.
- Deposit Penalty will be calculated by formula: (100-49)% x 50 = 25,5
-> Owner receive: 100 + 25,5 = 125,5 FAME.
-> Employee receive: 50 - 25,5 = 24,5 FAME
Job failed if when it's in Job time but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Deposit of the Owner will not be refunded.
Deposit of the Owner will be sent to Employee according to % Job's progress at the time transferred (5% tax)
The remaining of Deposit will be used to charity.
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Eg: Job is already ongoing and achieved 80% of quota at the time got transferred.
- Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME
-> Amount of Deposit being transferred to Employee will be calculated: 100 x 80% = 80FAME
- 5% tax will be applied when received: 80 x 5% = 76 FAME. The spare FAME amount will be used in charity.
Job will be canceled if Job haven't started but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Fee creating Job won't refund to Owner.
Deposit of Owner and Employee will be refunded (no tax)
4. Turbo Earn
Job will be completed if the employee complete either 1 or 2 task given. Reward will be distributed separately between 2 task.
Complete Task Job Ranking 100% of the target when the Job time ends result in 2 cases:
Not enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Deposit of Employee and Owner will be refunded (no tax)
Enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Ranking reward will be splitted according to Benefit Share selected for each Owner and Employee (no tax)
-> Deposit of Employee and Owner will be refunded (no tax)
Task Job Ranking failed if employee has not achieved the Top Target when the Job time ends result in 2 cases:
Not enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Deposit of Owner will be refunded (no tax)
-> Deposit of Employee will be transferred to Owner's Wallet (10% tax)
Enough minimum point for Ranking reward:
-> Deposit and FAME reward Ranking (5% tax) of Owner will be refunded.
-> Deposit of Employee will be refunded (10% tax)
Task Job Ranking will be failed if when it's in Job time but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Deposit of the Owner will not be refunded.
Deposit of the Owner will be sent to Employee according to Rank achieved at the time transferred (5% tax)
Progress of Task Job Ranking will be calculated with the following formula: (Total players in group - Current Rank) / (Total players in group - Top Rank target) x 100
The remaining of Deposit will be used to charity.
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Eg: Job is already ongoing and Top Rank target is Top 50. Employee achieved Top 70 at the time transferred.
Progress of Job will be calculated by formula: (100-70)/(100-50)x100= 60(%)
Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME -> Amount of Deposit being transferred to Employee will be calculated: 60% x 100 = 60FAME
5% tax will be applied when received: 60 x 5% = 57 FAME. The spare FAME amount will be used in charity.
Complete Task Job Earn Ticket equal or larger than 50% of the target when the Job time ends:
A portion of Deposit fee of Owner will be transferred to Employee's Wallet (5% tax), the remaining will refund back to Owner. Amount transfer to Employee will be counted by % progress of Job. Eg: Deposit = 100 FAME, Job finished at 80%: -> Employee will receive 80% of Deposit and Owner will receive 20% of Deposit
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax).
Task Job Earn Ticket failed if only <50% of required target is reached when the Job time ends:
Deposit of the Owner will be refunded and will receive an extra amount equal to Deposit penalty from Employee.
Deposit of the Employee will be refunded but will be fined following this formula: Deposit Penalty = (100% - % Job progress finished) x Deposit fee of Employee Eg: Job finished at 49%. Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME, Deposit of Employee = 50 FAME. Deposit Penalty will be calculated by formula: (100-49)% x 50 = 25,5 -> Owner receive: 100 + 25,5 = 125,5 FAME. -> Employee receive: 50 - 25,5 = 24,5 FAME
Task Job Earn Ticket failed if when it's in Job time but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Deposit of the Owner will not be refunded.
Deposit of the Owner will be sent to Employee according to % of Task Job Earn Ticket progress at the time transferred (5% tax)
The remaining of Deposit will be used to charity.
Deposit fee of Employee will be refunded to Employee's Wallet (no tax). Eg: Job is already ongoing and achieved 80% of quota at the time got transferred. Deposit of Owner = 100 FAME -> Amount of Deposit being transferred to Employee will be calculated: 100 x 80% = 80FAME 5% tax will be applied when received: 80 x 5% = 76 FAME. The spare FAME amount will be used in charity.
When Job Turbo Earn finished, Ticket Deposit Fee will be refunded back to the Owner following this formula:
Ticket Target - Ticket that Employee earned = Ticket Deposit received.
VD: Ticket Target = 21, Min Target Ticket = 10. Employee earned 11 Ticket -> Job finished, Ticket Deposit of Owner will be refunded 21-10 = 10 FAME.
Task Job Earn Ticket will be canceled if Job haven't started but the registered Hero/Land is transferred from the Owner account:
Fee creating Job won't refund to Owner.
Deposit of Owner and Employee will be refunded (no tax)
(*) When checking Turbo Earn Job's progress, the progress bar will display a average percent of 2 Task Job Ranking and Task Job Earn Ticket.
(*) For Turbo Earn Job, employee can either complete 1 or 2 Task Job to finished the Turbo Earn Job. Reward and penalty will be calculated separately between 2 Task:
Complete 2 Task Job -> Reward for 2 Task will be distributed.
Complete 1 Task Job -> Reward for 1 Task and Penalty Task Job for 1 incomplete Job.
Not complete any Task Job -> Penalty for 2 incomplete Job.
Last updated