Cancel Job
After create Job successfully, players can Cancel Job in this following condition:
Job don't have any Application: Job will be cancelled -> Deposit of Owner will be refunded 100% (No tax).
Job have Application and haven't started the Job yet: Job will be cancelled -> Deposit of Owner and Deposit of every Employee will be refunded 100% (No tax).
(*) If Job already started then it can't be cancelled except for special cases.
Job will be canceled if Job hasn't started but registered Hero/Land being transferred from Owner account:
Create Job fee will not be refunded to Owner.
Deposit of Employee and Owner will be refunded to Owner and Employee (no tax)
Job will automatically be canceled if end of Apply period and don't have any Employee apply. Only deposit of Owner will be refunded (no tax).
Job will be canceled if end of Apply period and Owner haven't accepted any Application. Only Deposit of Owner and Employee will be refunded (no tax).
Last updated