Create Job
1. Earn Me
After clicking Create Job button, popup for creating Job will appear.
You will choose which Hero/Land pair, type of Job, Job target and time for Job. All Fees to create Job will be displayed.
After created, Owner will be charged fee as displayed and begin taking applications from other players.
2. Ranking
Players need to submit Ranking at Formation first then can create Job for Ranking.
After clicking Create Job button, popup for creating Job will appear.
You will choose Top rank target and reward shares. All Fees to create Job will be displayed.
After created, Owner will be charged fee as displayed and begin taking application from other players.
(*) Job for Ranking can only be created when it's in Submit Rank time period. Outside this period, players can't create Job for Ranking.
3. Earn Ticket
After clicking Create Job button, popup for creating Job will appear.
Player must choose Time period for Job, maximum number of Ticket can be earned will be chose automatically. After that, player can freely to adjust number of Ticket and must not lower than half of Ticket Target.
Players can freely to choose Benefit for Ticket Earning Job
After created, Owner will be charged fee as displayed and begin taking applications from other players. *If Job apply period ended and you don't have any Pending Application or not Accept any Application, the Job will automatically cancel and Deposit will be refunded (no tax)
4. Turbo Earn
Players need to submit Ranking at Formation first then can create Job for Ranking.
After clicking Create Job button, popup for creating Job will appear.
Players will have to Setup information for Task Job Ranking and Task Job Earn Ticket:
Task Job Ranking: First select Rank Target -> Choose Rank Benefit for Task Job Ranking.
Task Job Earn Ticket: First select Ticket Target -> Choose Ticket Benefit for Task Job Earn Ticket -> Choose Min Target for Task Job Earn Ticket(Can't be smaller than half of Ticket Target)
After created, Owner will be charged fee as displayed and begin taking application from other players.
(*) Apart from Deposit of Job Turbo Earn, there will be a Ticket Deposit fee for Task Job Earn Ticket and will be calculated by: 1 FAME x Ticket Target.
(*) If Job apply period ended and you don't have any Pending Application or not Accept any Application, the Job will automatically cancel and Deposit will be refunded (no tax)
Last updated